Home of the Hungarian Elite Dangerous Community and SSL Interstellar PLC

About EliteDangerous.HU

EliteDangerous.HU is the Hungarian community of Elite Dangerous users. It was established in 2014 to provide Hungarian users the best Elite Dangerous experience and the most comprehensive, up-to-date and accurate information of the vast, complex, nuanced and ever changing Elite Dangerous Galaxy. Due to the contribution of more than 8000 commanders since it's foundation the ED.HU community is able to help in overcoming the steep initial learning curve and the language barriers new and prospective Hungarian commanders face. Just as importantly ED.HU provides the best community, backing and infrastructure for any carrier path regardless whether it's nurturing the domain of the community in the ED Galaxy, defense against the alien Thargoid invaders, lonely exploration of the vast Galaxy and it's wonders. Although EliteDangerous.HU is not an affiliate of Frontier Developments (the developer of Elite Dangerous), we are grateful for the help they provided during our launch, in the occasions of the meetings of the Hungarian Community or listening to our requests and experiences during further enhancing ED. We are also grateful for both Frontier and the broader Elite Dangerous community for the recognition of our contributions to the ED Galaxy in the form of art, events and in-game achievements. 

Are you a diplomat seeking contacts with SSL or The Coalition? Scroll down for contacts!

Branches and affiliates

Various branches of EliteDangerous.HU ensure that ED.HU commanders can fly with the best of the Galaxy whatever career path they choose. Learn about more branches and affiliates like Theta Academy or Theta Region Information Services here!

EliteDangerous.HU is the main branch. By joining the player gains the title of ED.HU commander, gaining access to the wealth of information and support in a broad range of subjects from how to set up the first spaceship and have a smooth launch in ED to specialist topics like advanced outfitting and flying for PvP or anti-Thargoid defense, trading, exploration of stellar phenomena and lifeforms or anything ED might offer. For those commanders who wish to fly solo or wing up occasionally and would like to develop their spaceships, spacesuits, their individual skills or wealth ED.HU is the perfect destination in itself. ED.HU commanders are also eligible to join ED.HU events or they can organize one even!

SSL Interstellar PLC

SSL Interstellar PLC was introduced among the first player factions in 2015 to provide a home for ED.HU within the ED Galaxy. Since 2018, when SSL organized the first Great Galactic Census as the faction governing the largest population among all player factions SSL remained in the top 3 throughout the years. With the best, in house developed client- server infrastructure supporting it's operation and a merit-based career system SSL remains among the best in the harsh competition of ED player factions. SSL operates though manipulating ED's background simulation (BGS), an advanced path for commanders already navigating with confidence in ED's faction, trade, exploration and combat transactions. SSL is the single BGS wing of ED.HU.

The Coalition

SSL is a founding member of The Coalition of Independents. The Coalition was founded to provide independent factions with the same opportunities and support major powers provide for their members. Coalition members are BGS factions (including top factions like the CLB besides SSL or the grandfathers of BGS, the Mikunns), top AX specialists (like AXI or The Hive) and factions supporting the whole galactic population as specialists (like The Hull Seals). In the six years since it's foundation The Coalition increased it's population from 20% of the most dynamically growing power to 70%, linked the borders of many of it's factions throughout hundreds of light years like envisioned in the founding document and it's independent squadrons became the spearheads of AX defense and rescue operations.

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Accomplishments and recognition

ELITEDANGEROUS.HU, SSL Interstellar PLC and their commanders benefited greatly from the support and contributions of Frontier Developments (FDev) and the Elite Dangerous community. On the other hand the contribution of ED.HU to the art, community and political landscape of ED was recognized as well numerous times by FDev officials,  community opinion leaders and media as well.

Contacts for individuals

Please select the most appropriate point(s) for contact for your purposes (scroll down for groups):

Individual commander

Here you can join the ED.HU community to develop your skills, ships, spacesuits, learn the mechanics of trade, exploration and combat and to wing up with other ED.HU commanders. 

(Primarily Hungarian language, though many will understand other languages. Please read the rules here.)

Individual commander

Here you can discuss long term ED developments and ED mechanics

(For ED.HU commanders)

Individual commander

You can hang out, discuss galactic matters with SSL and other Coalition factions' commanders and join public events of The Coalition here. (any independent sympathizers)
You can also join operations of The Coalition. (your faction representative identifies you)


Player faction / PP representative

In this Discord you can discuss diplomacy / faction matters in an embassy dedicated to your group with access of your representatives and SSL only. Only for representatives designated by their factions / powerplay community.


Player faction / PP representative

In this Discord you can discuss diplomacy / faction matters (The Coalition or in many cases of it's member factions, including SSL) in an embassy dedicated to your group with access of your representatives, members of the Coalition Council and diplomats of The Coalition. Only for representatives designated by their factions / powerplay community. 


News and history

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ED.HU & SSL news and history

Six years of corporate excellence among the top factions of the Galaxy.

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Elite Dangerous News and History

News from the Galaxy 99.96% unexplored in 6 years.

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Galnet in Hungarian

The news all NPCs of the Galaxy reads and you read it too. Somewhat more challenging in Hungarian.

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Galnet podcast in Hungarian

The news all NPCs of the Galaxy listen to and you listen to it too. Somewhat more challenging in Hungarian.

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Creative side of ED.HU and SSL

We take pride in the creativity and art our commanders contributed to the vibrant ED art scene.


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Creative side of ED.HU and SSL

We take pride in the creativity and art our commanders contributed to the vibrant ED art scene.

Theta Academy

Theta Academy provides the path for commanders planning to join ED.HU BGS activities to incorporate BGS to their skill and ship development process.

Theta Region Information Services

TRIS is a research affiliate of SSL Interstellar PLC supporting various analytics, monitoring and research tasks from supporting ED.HU commanders joining galactic quests to analyzing the inner workings, state and development of the Galaxy.

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Elite Dangerous Guides

Game guides in Hungarian, broad in subject and long to scroll through. From the ED.HU community.

Copyright and legal notices

This site is about the Hungarian Elite Dangerous community and player minor factions in the game published by Frontier Developments plc. This site was created using imagery from Elite: Dangerous, with the permission of Frontier Developments plc, for non-commercial purposes. It is not endorsed by nor reflects the views or opinions of Frontier Developments and no employee of Frontier Developments was involved in the making of it. Assets borrowed from Elite: Dangerous, with permission of Frontier Developments plc.

The Census, SSL, EliteDangerous.hu and TRIS logos are properties of the SSL Interstellar Plc and ELITEDANGEROUS.HU

©2023 EliteDangerous.hu, SSL Interstellar PLC.

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